All About Me!


Hi, I'm Neha! I have a passion for psychology, history, sociology, and mental health. I've wanted to make my own website for a while, so this is very exciting to me! I've not done much coding/html before this so it feels a little like jumping into the deep end, haha. Thanks for joining me on my journey! I hope to make these concepts that might be difficult to understand more accessible to everyone!


My plan is to write blog posts regularly about topics I find myself interested in. They will be crossposted both here and on my tumblr, @citrusychology!

Why build a website?

Though it's a little bit before my time, I have always been fascinated by the old internet and personal websites. I find that they can be such an interesting look into who the person is! Since they are totally built from scratch, they aren't limited by anything other than the creator's own skill.

I love this form of self expression, so I am very glad I figured (some) of it now. I am always interested in learning something new, and I feel as though I have so many things to learn by doing this! :)

Website Building

I could not have done this without the help of sadgrlonline's resources! Her html and css guides were incredibly helpful for someone like me, diving into the deep end. :)

If you are also interested in making your own personal website, my best suggestion is just to browse though different neocities pages. Many websites have their own resources that can be helpful, like this page with a huge collection of cute graphics. More than that, though, these personal websites are a source of unending creativity and inspiration! I can't recommend them enough.
